Sunday, February 08, 2009

Reproducing some awesome content

I had mentioned about a few links that I really liked. I recently realized that these have been removed by the author. However, thankfully I was able to find them on Google Search through their cached function. So that I don't lose this, am reproducing the same here. These were written by one of my seniors.

Discover the joy of free-riding (originally at

Free-riders are the most selfless souls on this planet (NOT to be confused with WIMWI bikers' club). They kill their own ambitions and refrain from doing any work, only so that their fellow group members can enhance their learning. They give others the opportunity to work under pressure and handle difficult situations on their own. Once in a while, a novice free-rider might offer to make the cover page. However, a seasoned free-rider understands the perils of such seemingly altruistic actions and ensures that the group is not dependant on him for anything. In fact, it can very well be said that behind every successful man, there's a free-rider. Would Vindi Banga have been the head honcho of HLL if not for the services of the nameless, faceless free-rider in his study group?? No chance!!
Free-riders have perfected the art of disappearing. Their cellphones mysteriously switch off and their room phone goes off the hook just minutes before a group meeting. Legend has it that there was once a meeting called of the world's greatest free-riders. Nobody turned up. They free-rode on that too!!

Buzzwords!! (originally at

Do you want to impress or confuse clients or vice versa? Use the all-new Techno vocabulary. It can be called the "Buzzword" writing method. It is simple and highly effective.

There are three columns of words involved, as follows:

0. balanced _______ 0. management ________ 0. contingency
1. total___________ 1. organization ________ 1. hardware
2. integrated_______2. reciprocal___________ 2. projection
3. compatible ______ 3. monitored __________ 3. time-frame
4. synchronized_____ 4. digital_____________ 4. concept
5. optimal_________ 5. modular___________ 5. programming
6. responsive_______6. transitional_________ 6. mobility
7. functional_______ 7. incremental_________ 7. capability
8. parallel_________ 8. third-generation______ 8. flexibility
9. systemized______ 9. policy _____________ 9. options

Just select any three-digit number; then use the corresponding Buzzwords from the above grid, e.g., 257: "integrated modular capability".

Don't worry if it doesn't make sense to you; it won't mean anything to anyone else either, but they'll think you're just smarter than they are so they won't say anything!!

You can propose "systemized reciprocal options" (929) to achieve "optimal transitional flexibility" (568), so that we can think of an "integrated monitored projection" and your boss will probably promote you or your customer will be blown away with your technological superiority!

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