Wednesday, April 21, 2010

3G Auctions - Rationalization as expected

As I had speculated in my previous post, the auctions are past their inflection point. We have seen more sane bidding on an overall basis, and mostly the serious players for each circle are in the fray.

My understanding of circle wise bidding, at end of day 9 is as below:

Please click on the image to see it in larger size. 
1 - Player is bidding for the circle
0 - Player is not bidding for the circle

Saturday, April 17, 2010

3G Auctions - Who is bidding for what?

A lot has changed in the last 2 days of bidding for 3G spectrum. Bidders have moved their hands deeper into their pockets and are using most of the ammunition they brought from their base camp. As per the auction rules, as rounds progress, the minimum bid points to be placed by each bidder (from its share) goes up. So, the greater bids are partially because of that. Also, the serious bidders in each circle will want  to get rid of the not-so-sure ones.

I believe this day was the inflection point in the bidding process. From the next round of bidding (and going forward), one will see, players moving from circles they don't necessarily are adamant on, to other circles that are still relatively easily available.

Here is my guess, of which players are bidding for each circle at end of day 7.

Please click on the image to see it in larger size. 
1 - Player is bidding for the circle
0 - Player is not bidding for the circle
For a similar table on day 5, click here.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

3G auctions - End of day 5

As many of you will know, 3G auctions are going on in India. It is a long drawn process and is expected to continue for 2-3 weeks. At end of each bidding day, the standing for the various circles are released as of the end of the day (after accounting for all rounds that took place on the day).

I went through the releases for the first few days and wanted to see if someone is speculating on who has bid for which circles. I failed to find any such analysis and so decided to do some of it on my own. I understand that this is mostly speculation, for even the bidders only have information of the consolidated bidding situation (and not that of other other individual bidders). Am posting my understanding of the bidding situation as of end of day 5. I will be keep a watch on how this shapes out. Various players will have different strategies, but it will be good to see, how close / far the final outcome is to what I have on my sheet.

Below is the circlewise, playerwise bidding situation as of end of day 5 (as per what I think).

Please click on the image to see it in larger size. 
1 - Player is bidding for the circle
0 - Player is not bidding for the circle

Above analysis is based on my interpretation of the standing of each player in different circles. I have also tried to think and incorporate what strategy / thought process each of them will have in various circles. I will tweak and modify these as the auction progresses, and the updates get announced. Intermittently, I might post it here as well.