Sunday, February 24, 2008

A few links

There is this talk from Warren Buffet to a bunch of MBA students on Youtube. The best part I liked was the beginning where he emphasized the importance of integrity in a person. He took an unusual analogy and asked the students to think of just one person in their class who they would go long on. And similarly just one person on which they would go short. He says (and I am convinced) that the selection of these people would not be dependent on talent or beauty etc. (which are God given). But the qualities one would want to attribute are such that one can acquire them (in case of long) and can get rid of them (in case of short). Below is the link

"If you risk something that is important to you for something that is not important to you, it doesn’t make sense."

"You have to get rich only once."
Below are some links for the posts of a few blogs I liked.
"I know your imperfections as well as your perfections,
know your faults as well as your assets.
And I find I like you not in spite of those,
but as much because of them as anything else"

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