Monday, September 24, 2007


Today, around 2:30am I was getting bored of sitting in my room and had no urgent work at hand. So, thought of having a walk. So, I went to this place within the campus of my institute which is quite famous and is kind of the front face (in terms of places on campus) for the outside world. It is like being in open air theatre near where the movie is going on. I stayed there for some time and I have to stay, the experience was quite useful

On another topic, as I have said earlier, I get impressed easily by fundas which I come across. I have been accused of this by many of my friends and I completely agree with them. Some of the fundas which I came across recently are listed below

1. Each person tries to become a “brand”.

(This either came directly from my marketing course book or it struck me as I was reading it. I believe that just as a company wants to project its brand as having some particular characteristic and wants to associate it with certain category of people etc.; each individual tries to behave in a similar fashion and tries to project himself/herself as of a particular type or a “brand”.)

2. Truman Capote once defined love as “never having to finish your sentences”.

3. I am in the middle of the book ‘If God was a banker’ by Ravi Subramanian. Some from there

a. There are two basic things in life, which no South Indian will ever compromise on: The Hindu newspaper, and his/her morning cup of coffee.

b. Success is meaningless if you can’t take care of your near and dear ones.

4. Somebody speaking about people sleeping in the class (

I see a friend…

His head tilted like the leaning tower of Pisa

O Leonardo!

Paint his portrait…Why do you need Mona Lisa!

5. A good blog I came across. Some really good posts. One of them I would recommend

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