Friday, August 04, 2006

I am back, but for how long

I have this amazing ability of persuading myself to avoid doing something which I would love to do. This sometimes happens due to consideration for others. However, at the centre of the ultimate intention is my own self. This ability which has grown into a habit has been with me for a long time now. It has grown and expanded encompassing newer and newer things and widening its scope. Sometimes, I feel like getting rid of it but after some reconciliation I realize that on the balance, I believe it to be an asset; one that has helped me a lot.

Blogging does not come under the above category; but is definitely becoming a strong contender given my performance and consistency. I posted a long time back. Then one of my colleagues Mr. SS was good enough to come up with something or else the blog would have become unheard of.

A lot has happened meanwhile. I have officially started my career with an investment bank. Definitely, not a bad to place start, some would like to say for anyone but I have my reservations about that. I have moved to Mumbai, in many ways my home town. I am back with my family; but the family I had been a part of for the last 4 years have been disintegrated, but only physically (I hope).

But even during this gap, I never stopped thinking of blogging. I was sure that one day I would return to it. I have even went as far as to note down many points on which I definitely would like to blog, ones which I came across and did not want to miss the opportunity to speak about. So, you can expect my posts to cover these points. But it will all depend on the frequency with which I blog. I cannot promise but will try to be as regular as possible.

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