Thursday, July 17, 2008

Am there

Hey, my friend
Don't know how to say
I care for you a lot
Though I may not, as much display

Boasting is not my intention
But want to share the fact
That whenever you called for help
I quickly got into the act

And there were times
When you did not give me a shout
Still sensed and tried my best
To leave nothing for you to pout

And there were also times
When it was me behind
The way things got sorted
But you turned an eye blind

I don't complain
But am a little sad
For had expected a little more
In return, than I have till now had

I know it is not good
To expect something in return
But have tried explaining that to myself
Failed each time and so have accepted this yearn

But you be happy
That is what I will always pray
Even if it is not me
Who makes you happy and gay

Just one request
While choosing friends, be a little wise
What one sees with the eyes
May be a disguise

They will laugh at your jokes
And would pursue some amount of coax
The thing to see is
When would you realize that it is all hoax

Just ensure that
Such a situation does not arise
The one making you smile today
Becomes the reason for your cries

Finally, I promise you, my friend
That I will wait and wait
So that when you are in need
There is someone who can fight with fate

1 comment:

Ashutosh said...

Is it necessary that all poems are influenced?
Is it not possible that somebody tries to discover
Things from some other person's point of view
A person who just in the imagination, might hover