Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Open book

What I have believed for some time now (some of the posts are examples of that), is that one should be strong enough that sharing of one’s personal issues with people at large should not make you vulnerable. Somebody has said

“Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway”

Just was remembering a few things about my past. Thought I should pen down so that if these memories fade away, some day I have the option to re-live them.

My mother tells me that when I used to go to a nursery school names Veena Nursery, a bus used to take me from my colony gate to the school and back. My mother used to come daily to drop me and picke me up at the gate. One afternoon, she went for a nap thinking she would get up before the specified time and pick me up from the gate. That afternoon she overslept by a few more minutes and as she woke up, she was a bit worried about me. As she prepared to go downstairs, I came to the home on my own and met my mother in the stairs. She says, then she realized that it was not necessary for her to go each time and that I knew the way.

My brother and I were generally of the silent kind from childhood. People in my family often remember that when we both were young and were about to visit some place, the relatives would try to keep things away in such a fashion that the two kids coming would not get their hands on those. However, they soon realized that their effort was futile for we were not among those kind of children who threw and played with anything we can get our hands on.

I was not among the people who used to come first in their class from kindergarten. However, one can say that I was always average or above average (in in terms of the academic performance), I did not much participate in extra-curricular activity but somewhat only in co-curricular activities. I rememeber in 4th standard or so, I used to stay for extra time in school for some co-curricular thing – I am forgetting the exact term.

I used to be out with my friends for somewhere around 3 hours daily in the evenings (6pm-9pm). We used to play different games within the premises of the colony we stayed, and talk, and walk. The homework was completed in the afternoon to ensure that I did not miss those hours.

An old woman used to take my brother and me to school. Her job was to take various children from their homes to the school. That way the parents were satisfied to an extent that there is someone to take care of their children on the way. But after a while, as we went to higher classes, we neither used to listen to her nor did we need her assistance. But she was a very good person. She also did other school related stuff such as paying of fees so that my parents did not have to go to school. She used to come to our house sometimes after we stopped going with her, but I have not seen her lately and have neither heard of her from my mother. Hope she is doing alright wherever she is.

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