Monday, April 14, 2008

Mail adieu

With writing of formal mails

Came the confusion regarding how to end them

What if the ending, to convey the message fails?

How much does it matter for it is more of just a hem?

In school we were thought to end a letter with “Thanking you”

Or may be a “Sincerely yours” or “Truly yours” would do

Shouldn’t those be reserved for people few?

And shouldn’t each mail have customized endings to bid adieu?

With all those questions in mind, I started my experiments with the word

To be safe, only attempted those tried and tested by some other

Though somewhere at the back of my mind I wanted to stand out of the herd

Without creating for myself any unnecessary bother

I never quite got the funda of “regards” as the end line

For me it was meant for someone I wanted to honour

But I found others using it for all their mails well and fine

Somehow that word I could never garner

I finally ended with the word “Thanks”

Don’t know when but have stuck to it upto now

Many say when in doubt this is the word everybody banks

I use it almost always, sometimes without realizing when and how

Add to it a “much” or a “many”

And may be in the next line, your name in the appropriate form

You could suit it to situation any

And could get rid of the repetitive brainstorm

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