Thursday, January 31, 2008


When decisions have to be made, it is good to consult someone. The criteria for selecting the people you would consult may depend on 1. their knowledge about the relevant affair 2. their experience in that particular area or in making decisions 3. the extent to which they may be affected 4. just because they are close to you and you think that they would think for your best. During some decision making points, it feels good if there is someone who can take that decision for you. However, you should realize that it might not always be in your best interest.

There are some parents who ask me the field in which their children should do their education. The first thing I tell them is that it all depends on the field in which the youngster is interested. To my dismay, that is the last thing they had been expecting out of me. They have 2-3 areas in mind and wanted me to select one for them. They had given least importance to asking what interests the person who is getting educated. I understand that it may not always be possible for someone to identify his/her area of interest. However, I believe a little more thought is required.

So, if any student talks to me about his education, one of the things I tell him/her is to try to chalk down (as he/she progresses in their academic career) the area you would like to focus on for further studies and career. I believe that if someone approaches education with this at the back of the mind, the chances are higher for being able to identify one’s interest. What happens normally is that one is forced in a particular area (for various reasons). Students don’t know what they would like to do and so abide by what is being forced. Students sometimes get to know what they do not want to do, which I think is a step in the right direction but there is still that extra mile to go.

It has happened a lot of times with me that whenever some decision needs to be taken, things happen in such a fashion that automatically whatever is best for me happens (or so I feel). It happened at least twice in the last term and I firmly believe that there is someone who knows better than me about what is good for me.

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