Monday, March 20, 2006

Some new things

I had planned to write my IIM GD/PI experiences in detail. But as of now I am postponing, if not dropping it all together. There are two reasons. One, we have enough of those available at ‘pagalguy’ and second the IIM guys can ask you anything under the sun and for that matter from outer space as well. So, there is nor rush and on a second thought no need for wasting space at Myself Speaking™.

The advantage of the entire process of “preparing” for the group discussions and personal interviews for the IIMs has been the fact that my senses have opened out to things happenings “around” me. The definition of this ‘around’ has changed and the radius of this ‘round’ has increased considerably. But I am not interested in anything and everything happening but things of interest have definitely increased and the depth of knowledge required to satisfy these enhanced basket has also grown.

So, I thought I would give you a glimpse of this new facet by commenting on a few things I got from the newspapers.

Too much to ask

With reference to the recent articles in newspapers about Mani Shankar Aiyar, I think it would be too much to ask from Mr. Mani Shankar Aiyar to be proactive and work as he did at the petroleum ministry for he has already faced the repercussions of such acts. However, if Mr. Aiyar does replicate some of the innovative thinking it would be good for the lagging Indian Sports and also would create a precedence for other people/politicians to follow.

Playing the Right way

BJP’s call to the youth to ‘Emulate Infy, not Dravid’ should not be treated as just another regular one. Not only is it bold in ignoring the popular mood but also brings to the attention the fact that these days, many students may not remember names of freedom fighters and even the names of the country’s President and Prime Minister but do not fail to recall those of filmstars and cricketers. These, while good sources of recreation, may not always lead to motivation in the right direction.

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